the Gironde capital awaits the British sovereign



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franceinfo – A. Delcourt, France 3 Aquitaine

France Televisions

Friday September 22, Charles III will conclude his state visit to France in Bordeaux. On site, the capital of New Aquitaine follows English time.

In a Bordeaux pub (Gironde), the visit of Charles III provoked reactions, Friday September 22. “When a special person goes somewhere, I guess it’s still fascinating. I won’t go see him, but if I pass him in the street, (…) I’ll take a look”, indicates a man. Elsewhere in the city, the excitement seems limited. In the official souvenir shop, no cup bears the image of the royal couple.

A crowd bath

In the port, the atmosphere is a little more British. The Royal Navy frigate was stationed there to accompany the king. Some passers-by rejoice at the event. “It makes me happy that he comes, it maintains relationships”, assures a man. The mayor is also delighted. He will receive the king and queen during their visit. “I really want to take advantage of this trip to present the city in its best light”, explains Pierre Hurmic, EELV mayor of the city. A crowd bath is planned in front of the town hall.

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