the general manager of Saint-Gobain “requests a Marshall plan” to fight against thermal colanders

What role should private actors play in the energy renovation of buildings? The general manager of Saint-Gobain, Benoit Bazin, advocates a change of scale in the fight against thermal colanders.

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The general manager of Saint-Gobain, Benoit Bazin, May 9, 2023. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

Not all school buildings are thermal strainers but only mless than 20% of the building stock of schools in France has been renovated. Some buildings date from the time of Jules Ferry, others from the 50s. “As in a private building, you have to think about global renovation, andenergy efficiency, acoustics, air quality. You have to think about the roofs, the facades, the floors, the interior partitions, the whole of a renovation,” develops Benoit Bazin, general manager of Saint-Gobain, Tuesday April 9 on franeinfo.

>>> “We really need this support, it’s absolutely essential”: faced with the energy renovation of schools, town halls are waiting for state aid

The world leader in building materials was represented on Tuesday during the presentation of the vast school renovation plan, presented by the Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, Christophe Béchu.

“You have to change software and enter into an investment logic. If you do energy efficiency, in three or four years you will have saved on your heating bill.”

Benoit Bazin, CEO of Saint-Gobain

at franceinfo

Benoit Bazin advocates a change of scale also for private housing. And in particular for MaprimRenov, whose budget is currently around 2.6 billion euros for 2023. “We have to change the order of magnitude. We have to do four or times five more for MaprimRenov, target it on buildings F or G, the most degraded in terms of energy. There are five million energy strainers in France. J ‘calls for a real strategic energy renovation policy, a Marshall plan for renovation’, concludes Benoit Bazin.

Watch the full interview:

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