This evening, Lilian Müller was at the mars gate for the sporting event of the moment: LFrench Open 3×3 Basketball.
He received many guests, including the Reims silver medalist at the 2021 Olympic Games, Endy Miyem. The opportunity to hand-deliver a ball autographed by herself, to the big winner of the internet game.
– Lilian Müller
The FFBB organized the Superleague 3×3 FFBB, a national basketball competition 3×3 everywhere in France, including the final, theFrench Open 3×3, instead of Thursday July 21 to Saturday July 23… at the level of the Mars Gatein the heart of the City of Coronations…
In June 2017, the 3×3 became a real olympic discipline. After one first appearance at the Olympics of Tokyo last year, this sport will be Paris in 2024. This is intended in particular toinspire other players to become professional and thus, to make the discipline known to as many people as possible.