The association bringing together French public health and medico-social establishments reacts to the draft budget for Social Security, presented last week by the government.
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The Social Security financing bill (PLFSS), presented last week by the government, leaves the hospital sector doubtful. “Despite the big announcements (…) certain measures are not financed” tackle, Wednesday October 4, Arnaud Robinet, the president of the French Hospital Federation (FHF), which represents public hospitals and medico-social establishments.
During a press conference, the president of the FHF, also mayor (Horizons) of Reims (Marne), did the accounts. Its Federation estimates that 1.9 billion euros are missing for the hospital for the year 2023: 1.5 billion due to inflation and energy costs and nearly 400 million euros missing, in order to cover measures to upgrade guards and night work.
Arnaud Robinet also clarified that 2 billion euros are still missing from the envelope “hospital” of the PLFSS. “Do we want to give ourselves shared objectives (…) over a medium or long term, or do we continue like this, wanting to destroy our health system and the public hospital?”, he questioned. The Hospital Federation is now counting on “all parliamentarians concerned”to change this budget.