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We eat three to four times less vegetables and fruit than in the 1960s, mainly as a result of inflation. In the long term, this has an impact on our production.
Fruit and vegetable consumption is declining. Young people consume three to four times less than their grandparents. This is the case of Rachelle, a carer, who for several months has reviewed her buying habits. “Today you have to spend 35, 40 euros. In a market, it’s too much”, she regrets. Prices keep skyrocketing. In one year, vegetables increased by 9.8% and fruit by 4.6%. There is the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables, but also canned and frozen. But the products do not always come from France, in favor of Belgium, Spain and Italy.
Food Sovereignty Plan
The situation worries professionals. “These European countries have been more proactive. They have probably invested more in industrial tools”, notes Jean-Claude Orhan, vice-president of the canned and frozen vegetables inter-branch. To support farmers, the state is working on a food sovereignty plan, which should be presented at the end of the month. The objective: to raise the level of self-sufficiency in France to 60% within ten years.