the French astronaut soon on the Moon?




Article written by

T. Donzel, G. Gillet, L. de la Mornais – France 2

France Televisions

France has joined in the new lunar exploration launched by NASA and the United States. Enough to spark a glimmer of hope for astronaut Thomas Pesquet who dreams of going to the Moon.

A small step closer to the Moon for Thomas Pesquet? The now famous French astronaut can hope so. With the signing of the Artemis agreements, France becomes the twentieth country to join in the new lunar exploration launched by NASA and the United States. Objective: set foot on our satellite again in 2025.

“We are talking about one mission per year, initially, with between two and four people who would descend to the surface and then, what we want to do is really a slightly more permanent base already around the Moon. , but also on the Moon”explains Thomas Pesquet, who does not hide his desire: “If ever, I am asked today if I am a volunteer or not, I raise my hand.” More than fifty years after the Apollo 11 mission and Neil Armstrong’s first steps, the next astronaut to set foot on lunar soil should however be “an” astronaut.

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