Philatelists or simply curious, several hundred people were at the rendezvous this Saturday, November 27 at the Printing Square in Boulazac, to attend the preview sale of four collector stamps on the occasion of the pantheonization of Joséphine Baker.
“It’s a stamp you have to have”, Christine smiles. This enthusiast has been collecting all kinds for more than twenty years. So inevitably, it was necessary to add these four limited edition stamps to his collection. In total, the Philaposte printed 9,600. Like Christine, many collectors were present, some even traveled several hundred kilometers. For others, it is above all the character of Josephine Baker that motivated them: “It reminds me of memories, the Milandes. It reflects her career, the resistance, the cabaret, Paris … She was an extraordinary woman”, Vincent indicates. Artist, resistance fighter and anti-racist activist, Joséphine Baker lived at the Château des Milandes for more than 20 years. The pantheonization is scheduled for November 30. On this occasion, many buyers left their stamp plates, so that they could be canceled (stamped) on the date of the 30th.
– Jeanne de Butler