the FNSEA will launch “a solidarity action” to help the Ukrainians, says its president

This action may consist of “collecting donations and perhaps welcoming refugees”, explains Christiane Lambert.

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Christiane Lambert, president of the FNSEA, announced Saturday, February 26 in the morning on franceinfo to want to launch “an act of solidarity” to help Ukrainians. “We are going to launch, at European level and in France, a solidarity action to collect donations and perhaps welcome refugees” Ukrainians, detailed the boss of the agricultural union.

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For her, the President of the Republic’s call for national solidarity concerns both the Ukrainian people and “those who feed”namely the farmers who risk suffering the economic consequences of this war.

We cannot remain inert and see them allow themselves to be bombarded, destroyed in this way by an autocrat, a dictator, so I will launch this initiative in order to be able to make a gesture for the Ukrainian people and for Ukrainian farmers

Christiane Lambert, President of the FNSEA


For Christiane Lambert, Ukraine is also “a very large agricultural nation, with lands blessed by the gods”. “They are nailed in mid-flight, it’s dramatic for them.”

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