the first trends “indicate a drop” in the success rate, according to Pap Ndiaye

This was stated by the Minister of Education during a moving to the Max Dormoy high school in Champigny-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne).

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Can do better. The first trends in baccalaureate results published on Tuesday, July 5 “indicate a decrease from previous years”announced the Minister of Education, Pap Ndiaye, during a trip to the Max Dormoy high school in Champigny-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne). “This is the first real year of the baccalaureate reform which is not hampered by the health crisis”, he pointed out. The official figures for the baccalaureate pass rate will be published on Tuesday evening.

>> Find the results of the 2022 baccalaureate in all the academies here

“It thwarts those who said that the continuous control would give extraordinary results. The new baccalaureate remains an important examination”he added to the address of journalists on the sidelines of this visit, during which he discovered with students the results of the general baccalaureate in this high school.

Since its reform in 2019, the baccalaureate mark is based 40% on continuous assessment and 60% on final exams (written and oral French, passed in Première class, philosophy, specialty exams and the grand oral , passed in Terminale). “Continuous monitoring exists in most countries of the world” and “undergoing work” who show “how fair”underlined the Minister.

The baccalaureate pass rate has exceeded 80% since 2012. Last year, nearly 94% of candidates had passed the exam which gives access to higher education: they were 93.7% all sectors combined (compared to 95% in 2020 and 88% in 2019). For the general baccalaureate alone, the success rate was 97.5% (93.9% in the technological path and 86.6% in the professional path).

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