the fire still not under control in the Gard, the firefighters optimistic



Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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A fire broke out at Besseges, in the Gard, Thursday July 7th. The journalist Véronique Gaglione, live from the city, update on the situation on Friday evening.

Friday July 8 afternoon, the situation evolved rather favorably concerning the fire which strikes the Gard.The staff of the firefighters has just told us that, for them, the fire is not completely fixed. He has already covered 600 hectares and mobilized more than 700 firefighters”, reports journalist Véronique Gaglione, live from Bessèges (Gard). “We are entering the night in the surveillance phase, with a lightened device, where the fire soldiers will abundantly water the edges in order to avoid any resumption “she continues.

For Saturday, July 9, the weather should be milder, with a much less strong wind.That would be really good news, because as you know, a strong wind is an aggravating factor for the spread of this type of fire, coupled with very dry vegetation and extremely low humidity.“, explains the journalist.

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