“The fingers, it goes cream, I’m in serious love”, the astonishing and unexpected attitude of Michel Drucker in ‘Télématin’ on France 2 leaves you speechless

Michel Drucker remains in the trend. After a 60-year career on television, the France 2 host remains up to date with current affairs, new trends and the language of young people.

Invited on the set of Télématin opposite Thomas Sotto this Wednesday, February 23, Michel Drucker came to present his new show “From you to me”, for which he showed on stage in solo. A new show, with some digital details in tune with the times. A new concept for the 79-year-old man, which gave some ideas to Thomas Sotto and Julia Vignali.

Once on set, the host of Vivement dimanche had to take up the challenge of presenting the day’s weather in a “djeun’s language” announces the journalist. A double challenge for Michel Drucker, far from speaking the language of young people today, and far from knowing his geography inside out: “I had to do the weather once, but I was wrong, I put Corsica in Strasbourg“What does it matter, here he is now in a situation of no return in front of the cameras of France 2, and viewers who await the result: “Yo wesh, the weather today is a mess. Come on, we’re doing the taf taf, what’s the bails today?”. A rather convincing start, to give a taste of the rest of the bulletin.

It’s a crazy time and it’s not mytho. The fingers, it passes cream, the afternoon, it is posed what, I am in serious kiffance. It passes a little in the morning, I tell you cash: too dare this day, I’m sauced”. If these are obviously not his words, but those of the production, the main interested party has perfectly known how to adapt and set the tone. A new opportunity to be appreciated by the youngest, “In my show, I say it, young people love me”.

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