The filming of Star Trek: Picard knocked out by Omicron

The filming of the third season of the series began Monday in the studios of Paramount + Star Trek: Picard was put on hiatus at the end of the day and has yet to be resumed because more than 50 staff have tested positive for COVID-19.

André Duchesne

André Duchesne

This is what the specialized magazine reveals this morning The Hollywood Reporter.

According to the magazine, this film set is one of the most imposing with some 450 people, actors and technicians included. The contamination affected staff members in all departments, including those in zone A of the actors, it is said without specifying a name.

The series stars Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard, whom he has played since 1993 in various productions of Star trek.

The first season of Star Trek: Picard aired in the winter of 2020. The second season is set to begin in February on CBS and the third season, in early 2023.

Due to the resumption of the pandemic with the Omicron variant, several shootings (NCIS) and events (Grammy Awards) are suspended or postponed.

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