“The few days that separate us from the election will count double or triple” for Valérie Pécresse, according to Geoffroy Didier

“I believe that the few days that separate us from the election will count double or triple”, assures Saturday March 26 on franceinfo Geoffroy Didier, director of communication for Valérie Pécresse and MEP LR. The candidate Les Républicains, who tested positive for Covid-19 on Thursday, is continuing her campaign from a distance, two weeks before the first round of the presidential election.

>> Fifteen days before the ballot, the candidates chain the meetings. Follow our live.

Given fifth in the voting intentions in the first round, according to the Ipsos Sopra Steria poll for franceinfo and Le Parisien / Today in France, she remains “determined, offensive, and impatient to find the French”assures Geoffroy Didier, who recalls that “0% of the French expressed themselves at the polls. I trust the French, and their choice will be the right one”he adds.

Asked about the remarks made by his candidate on Tuesday during a debate organized by the newspaper Valeurs Actuelles, where she declared that she “does not want to be robbed of this election”Geoffroy Didier ensures that “Valérie Pécresse is nothing Trumpist”.

“Not letting the election be robbed means not letting your conduct be dictated by the polls which are a snapshot at a given moment, explains its communications director, that is to say be careful, there must be a debate, explanations, clarification of Emmanuel Macron’s balance sheet. It is to wake up the spirits 15 days before a major election.

The projects of Valérie Pécresse and Emmanuel Macron “are radically different”insists Geoffroy Didier, director of communication for Valérie Pécresse and LR MEP, who believes that the two candidates “are not made of the same wood”.

“Emmanuel Macron likes to please and talk, Valérie Pécresse likes to do, and that’s exactly what she did when various mandates and missions were entrusted to her.”

Geoffroy Didier

at franceinfo

“The differences between the alleged project of Emmanuel Macron and the strong project of Valérie Pécresse are major (…) When he copies, he obviously does not do it well since he never has the courage to go until the end”concludes MEP LR.

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