the fear of parents of Israeli soldiers


Video length: 3 min

War between Israel and Hamas: the fear of parents of Israeli soldiers
War between Israel and Hamas: the fear of parents of Israeli soldiers

Eight months after the start of the war, the families of Israeli soldiers are showing signs of concern, but also of exasperation. Meet some of them.

They constitute part of the troops engaged in Gaza. Women and men, but also daughters and sons. Enough to feed the fears of their families, who hope for a return to Israel. “I have really good days (…). There are also times when it’s very hard, when I cry.”testifies Sharon, the mother of a soldier fighting in the Palestinian enclave.

In Amikam (Israel), in front of the home of the Israeli defense minister, several families have taken to demonstrating to send a clear message. “This war must end. We must negotiate and dialogue for peace”, explains the mother of a soldier. These families express their rejection of the current Israeli government. According to figures provided by Israeli authorities, 658 IDF soldiers were killed, the majority of them in the Gaza Strip.

source site-24