Fougères, Plélan-le-Grand, Cesson-Sévigné, Pipriac, Mondevert, these are some of the municipalities of Ille-et-Vilaine where farmers gathered this Thursday evening, December 16 at the call of the FDSEA 35 and the JA 35. Around ten sites have been selected by the organizers to meet motorists. Faced with increases in the prices of raw materials and their costs, these breeders ask that they be reflected in their selling prices. A mobilization that comes at a time when the annual price negotiations with supermarkets must be completed by the end of February 2022.
Mobilization in Romillé
In Romillé, the atmosphere is good-natured in the town center. About fifteen farmers are present. Two tractors are parked by the side of the road, but there is no blockage. The evening is spent in peace and above all in the desire to inform the public. Dressed in a yellow safety vest, Samuel Houitte, a dairy producer in Irodouër, approaches motorists to inform them. “The prices of agricultural products must rise to offset our costs. We believe that we can increase the prices of our products without having too much impact on consumers.“
You always have to do more to earn that much. We work 60 to 70 hours per week and we are paid between 3 and 4 euros per hour, it cannot last any longer – Christophe Loret breeder in Romillé
A few days before the end of the year celebrations, farmers strongly encourage consumers to buy French and local food products.
– Loïck Guellec