the famous singer pays tribute to his mother… with a juicy new business!

In France, it is above all in music that Patrick Bruel flourishes. But in recent years, the artist has turned to other activities. Brad Pitt and Luc Besson just have to watch out! In 2007, the singer acquired Domaine Leos in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue in the Vaucluse. First, he produced olive oil before moving on to wine.

At present, 13 of his hectares (out of 37) are devoted to his activity as a winemaker. For his first rosé cuvée, Patrick Bruel wanted to do things big. And for good reason, he opted for the first name of his mother named Augusta to baptize her. Mother and son seem to share the same passion for the beverage.

“It goes back to when my mother remarried a man in Deux-Sèvres. The adoptive grandfather had a great affection for me”, affirmed Patrick Bruel for Land of wines.“He introduced me to cards, chess, bridge, horse riding, skiing, and one day at a family lunch there was this bottle of wine going around religiously. ‘Can I have some? ‘ I asked. He poured me a glass. I was drinking a Château-Lafite 1929. It was the first wine I drank in my life. I was 12 years old, it was something !”.

A shared family passion

If you want to treat yourself to the first bottle from the star’s vineyard, you will have to pay 17.50 euros. Conscientious, the interpreter of “Break the voice” wanted to take his time before starting. “We’re going to install a brand, it’s not my name that matters,” he specified. “The wine of someone famous is very complicated; Carole Bouquet makes an exceptional wine, this is not the case for everyone”.

Patrick Bruel likes to share incredible moments with his children on his estate. “Wine is also for my two children, Oscar and Léon. I loved their reaction to the vines, the olives… the relationship to the land, to nature”, he concluded not without pride.


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