The face of a dangerous sexual predator will be on giant billboards in Quebec

The face of a dangerous sexual predator and pimp will be carpeted on giant billboards and circulated on social media in a colossal effort by the SQ, in conjunction with the Bolo program, to stop him – and prevent him from doing anything. other victims.

This is the first time that Bolo has deployed its means to get hold of a suspect in Quebec.

The man who is the subject of this wanted notice is Laval resident Blake Charbonneau, 35 years old.

He was arrested on March 19, but failed to appear in court.

Blake Charbonneau has since been wanted by the Integrated Squad for the Fight against Pimping (EILP) of the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), which indicates that it would have made four victims, although everything suggests that there would be d ‘others, said at a press conference Wednesday morning Inspector Pierre-Mathieu Viviers, deputy director of the Criminal Investigations Directorate of the SQ.

Canada-wide search warrants have been issued for pimping, life-threatening sexual assault and sexual assault with a weapon, among other criminal offenses.

“He showed great violence,” said Inspector Viviers, noting that he met his victims on social networks and on dating sites.

Up to $ 50,000 in rewards

Why such a deployment for this suspect? Because of its predation, the seriousness and frequency of the crimes charged, as well as the number of victims, explained the inspector.

A dozen giant panels will be installed, and social networks will be widely used, including Facebook and Instagram, described the director of the Bolo program, Maxime Langlois, adding that a reward of up to $ 50,000 will be offered for any information leading upon arrest of the suspect. They will be relayed to the SQ which will treat them confidentially, he said.

These efforts are in addition to those of the SQ, he adds. “We act as an amplifier. “

The police do not know where Blake Charbonneau is, but know that he was rampant in Laval and in the Quebec region.

“Bolo” is an acronym for “Be on the Lookout”. It is funded by a private foundation.

Asked why the SQ united for the first time with Bolo, Inspector Viviers replied that this suspect corresponds to the intervention criteria of the program, but also because the police force considered this publicity strike force to be relevant to avoid that the man does not make other victims, and in order to send a message of prevention to the women.

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