the epidemic is “controlled” but is “not over”



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The Covid-19 epidemic is not over in France but we are emerging from the Omicron wave, according to the president of the Scientific Council, Jean-François Delfraissy. But if the figures are down, the professor puts this observation into perspective, since 40,000 cases were recorded during the day of Friday May 5.

With the decline in Covid cases in France, are we finally done with the epidemic? In the short term, in any case, the president of the Scientific Council wants to be reassuring. “We’re coming out of this fifth wave Omicron […]. It was a little longer than expected. We are going to be reasonably optimistic about the weeks and months to come for France and Europe, with probably a spring that is likely to go well.“, declared Jean-François Delfraissy at the microphone of franceinfo.

By the end of May, he predicts a drop in contamination of around 5,000 to 10,000 cases per day. But, according to him, the epidemic is not over. The hypothesis of the occurrence of a new variant is considered. “Not right away, we estimate it rather at the start of the school year, but if it happens, it will arrive before“, he explains, while ensuring that France has “tools to fight“. In its last weekly update, Santé Publique France confirms this downward trend in all regions of France and in all age groups.

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