The Entente Sportive Guérétoise plays the rise in National 3

The young amateur footballers of the Entente Sportive Guérétoise are playing their last match of the season on Saturday 27 May. A decisive match to hope for the rise in National 3. A draw would be enough for the yellows and blues to win against Stade Poitevin Football.

Poitiers: the best attack of the hen

The Guéretois can congratulate themselves on finishing the season at the top of the rankings. But the coach and the players know it: you have to be careful and not claim victory too quickly because on Saturday, the yellows and blues will face the chicken’s best attack. “You will have to be very careful not to get into trouble”, delays coach Luc Davaillon.

For the coach, the rise to N3 “would be a great reward for everyone, all the educators who had them but also the other clubs they went through and all the technical organization that we have put in place for ten years.”

Forget that old adage that the most important thing is to participate, “the most important thing is to go up (in N3), smiles Luc Davaillon. We haven’t made all these efforts this season to get to second place, or even third. The party will be beautiful only if there is the climb at the end!”

“We played all season for this match”

Like his teammates, Enzo, attacking midfielder continues to give his all, in order to make this great sporting year a reality. “We played all season for this match, we made all our efforts for that. We are keen to succeed in this match. We’ve only been thinking about that for weeks and now we’re going to give it our all.”

No question of selling the skin of the bear before having killed it. The collective continues to prepare with a cool head, but victory is within reach. Ahmed, number 6 knows it, they have “something big to play” on Saturday.

See you at 6 p.m. at the Léo Lagrange stadium to encourage the Entente Sportive Guérétoise. Ticket price 5 euros.

source site-37