The Enéa, a river of about fifteen kilometers has its source in Proissans and flows into the Dordogne to the west of Carsac-Aillac. David Guigue is a river technician for the Community of Communes Sarlat Périgord Noir. Its role on this river is to improve the quality of the waters of the Enéa and its tributaries for better aquatic life, efficient flow and thus allow wildlife to continue. To do this, several actions are carried out:
– maintenance actions on the vegetation of the banks.
– Fish farming type developments, such as in the area under the Château de Paluel where we have tried to work on renaturing the watercourse to improve the aquatic habitats and quite simply diversify the biology of the watercourse.
David Guigue explains that they have implemented mineral benches which quite simply make it possible to reduce the flow section of the watercourse and avoid its heating in summer as well as sedimentation and therefore the silting up of the watercourse. These benches have also made it possible to create habitats for spawning fish and microfauna.
– Marie-Dominique PRIVE
This work is bearing fruit because we have seen the return of many species on the Enea, such as the otter, which has found a favorable habitat.
? Listen to David Guigue introduce you to Enéa