the end of the winter break marks the start of evictions


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

T. Watine, Y. Le Gall, M. Movsissian, A.-S. sfez – France 3

France Televisions

Saturday April 1 marks the end of the winter break. Associations already fear the eviction of thousands of families who, with inflation, can no longer pay their rent.

For a young retiree, the end of the winter break is a source of anxiety. Emotional shock, depression, job loss, a Parisian hasn’t been able to pay his rent for years. The owner died, his heirs launched an eviction procedure. He has been recognized as a beneficiary of the law Dalothat is to say that the State must offer him accommodation. But in an emergency, it is often a matter of a few nights at the hotel. The evicted people therefore find themselves again without a solution.

New vulnerable families

This audience continues to grow. The Abbé Pierre Foundation fears an increase in the number of evictions, due to inflation and the health crisis which has weakened new families. The State no longer communicates the number of expulsions by department. But before 2020, 6,000 to 7,000 households were evicted from their homes in Île-de-France each year.

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