In eight days, their company could be liquidated and the 237 jobs cut at Menuiseries Grégoire in Saint-Martial-d’Artenset in the Dordogne. Employees have decided to write to the President of the Republic before the hearing scheduled for April 28 before the Commercial Court of Périgueux.
Employees ask Emmanuel Macron to help them find a buyer or to obtain from the owner of the factory, Prudentia, that he finance more than the legal minimum of the Safeguard plan for employment to help employees come out after their layoffs. Yves Dangeleaud is CFDT delegate of the company, he believes that Prudentia, the owner, must pay “2 million euros to cover all employee training requests and to help them get out of it with dignity after the dismissal”.
The employees of Menuiseries Grégoire have already planned to write to the newly elected president on Monday, April 25 to renew their request.