the emission “mounted” and “already all calculated”? Internet users see red and accuse production after this ordeal

Editing in reality TV is no longer a mystery. Everyone knows that some episodes are edited to keep viewers hooked. However, there are still many programs that do not undergo editing. In any case, this is what the fans of Beijing Express, who are not tender with Inès Reg, until the episode of this Wednesday, July 20. Indeed, an event of the evening raised many questions and fueled rumors of a season already “calculated” with the winners and eliminated already designated.

Speaking of elimination, a few days ago, it was Theo who was ousted, along with his agent Anne. The athlete, amputated of four limbs at the age of 6 after contracting meningitis, said he was very happy to participate in such a program. “I want to show that despite my handicap, I can have fun and be a real competitor”he confided to the cameras ofM6. But in the columns of Here ishe revealed that he had imposed a condition on the production to participate in the famous adventure game.

A montage that raises some questions

“The only thing we dealed with is that I don’t wear my second pair of prostheses – the ones for going in the water – in my backpack so as not to put me at a disadvantage”he confessed before continuing: “I admit it, it was harder than I had imagined. Between the stress of the competition, the 40°C and the interviews in the evening after the race, the days are long… But it’s still a game, it less scary than the sporting challenges I set myself!”.

Despite this request, Theo played in the same category as the other candidates. But what if he had still been part of the game during the episode this Wednesday, July 20? This is the question that Internet users are asking after a test during which the candidates had to carry a basin filled with tea for several kilometers. “In reality, it’s weird Theo left last week and this week a test for the hands in everything is calculated mode”, “So Theo would have worn how the basin??? did he have arm prostheses?”, “with everything the respect that I owe him….. How would Theo have done on this event?. It remains to be seen whether the production had planned to cancel this test, in the event that the young man reached the final.

See also: “He’s drunk”, “what a lack of respect”, “really a toxic guy”… “Beijing Express”: Valentin, Rachel Trapani’s darling already lynched in the first episode


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