Friday, May 12 on TF1 aired an unreleased episode of Mask Singer. Two new characters have been discovered, namely the witch (Zaho) and the Alien (Adeline Toniutti). The latter confided in our colleagues from Tele-Leisure behind the scenes of this adventure. “It’s very physical all the same, because the costumes are heavy. So physically, it’s really hard, but I liked it too much”she said. “And what’s really hard is to be masked, because we don’t breathe very well”
But beyond the physical suffering, another element posed a problem for him. “You know when you’re at Star Ac’, for example, I talk to the managers, I talk to everyone. And so we laugh together and everything. There, they were laughing with the Alien, but I, I I couldn’t tell who I was. Besides, I couldn’t see anything. I was always afraid of falling when I walked, it was horrible. I bumped into myself in the hallway. I swear to you, I didn’t stop. I even thought I had broken my costume. Mask singer, it’s a real ordeal. It’s almost like Fort Boyard, I say. I’m coming out of the Alien, me, I’m I lost three kilos of water. I lost weight during the show. I was melting”.
The singing teacher from the last season of Star Ac’ also spoke about her current plans with an EP, redhead worn by Hey Man in itfreshly released without forgetting her show Tel est mon destin at L’Européen where she is expected, on June 11. “I wrote an autobiographical book and then a singing method too, I’m on it. And then we’ll see me appear in the cinema with Michèle Laroque and Claudia Tagbo next year. I shot that at the same time as Mask Singer, so it was not very practical. And I was the voice coach of the actresses for this film which is called Karaoke”.
See also: “They took me out like a mess”: Laurent Maistret “disgusted” following his hasty departure in “Mask Singer”