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The European Parliament has chosen its new president: the Maltese Roberta Metsola. However, her election is controversial because she openly positioned herself as being anti-abortion.
It’s a good day for Roberta Metsola. On the very day of her 43rd birthday, she was elected President of the European Parliament, with 458 votes out of the 616 cast. But his election sparked controversy. This MEP, member of the nationalist party of Malta, does not hide her total opposition to abortion. Malta is one of the last two countries in Europe where abortion remains illegal. “Malta refuses to let the European Union get involved in women’s rights, so it’s true that it’s a subject that remains quite strong with it”, explains Sylvie Guillaume, MEP.
A journalist thus asked Roberta Metsola to clearly express her positions on this subject. She preferred not to talk about her beliefs. French MEPs from the Macronist group “Renew” voted for this controversial president, while calling to strengthen, preserve and promote the rights of all European women.