the effectiveness of existing vaccines questioned


France 3

Article written by

C. Rougerie, Y. Relat, A.Zouioueche, J. Lonchampt, P.Brame – France 3

France Televisions

For now, no one has enough information on the Omicron variant in terms of dangerousness. We will have to wait a few weeks to find out more about his resistance to the vaccine.

Since its recent identification dated November 25, the Omicron variant has aroused the concern of scientists, including the boss of the firm Moderna, which has developed a vaccine against covid-19. “Given the large number of mutations, it is quite possible that the effectiveness of all vaccines will decrease”, says Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Modern.

Scientists have already established a method to assess the effectiveness of vaccines. It involves having Omicron develop in the laboratory, then putting it in contact with a cell belonging to a vaccinated person, in order to see the reaction of its antibodies. “We are now trying to understand this virus, how it multiplies, is it more transmissible, more sensitive”, explains Professor Olivier Schwartz, head of the Virus and Immunity Unit at the Institut Pasteur. He says results can already be communicated within a period of around two weeks.

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