The East Coast Pro Tour to the rescue of varsity teams

The East Coast Pro Tour (ECPT) innovated last year by setting up “My Golf Fund”, a crowdfunding campaign allowing professional players to reduce their expenses in the pursuit of their dream. A few weeks before the start of the season, the circuit now wants to help the university teams.

Thanks to this process, players on the circuit have had their entire season financed on the ECPT. According to Tour data, 272 donors have given nearly $30,000 to their favorite golfers to help them succeed in playing golf full-time.

“We know the power of crowdfunding,” says Massimo Roch in an interview on Zoom.

The president and co-founder of the circuit and his right-hand man Luca Greco have therefore thought about how to help as many young players as possible. Even if they do not necessarily evolve on the circuit.

Himself a former player of the Carabins of the University of Montreal, Roch knows that “there are certain costs associated with playing golf. When you are not professional, or even when you are, it is very expensive”.

This is why it will be possible for university and even college golf teams to take advantage of the crowdfunding platform offered and built by the ECPT.

Laval University was the first to raise their hand.

We want the most teams to benefit from it, so we set up platforms for all the teams.

Massimo Roch, President and Co-Founder of the East Coast Pro Tour

The University of Sherbrooke, the University of Montreal, McGill University and even Cégep André-Laurendeau will also be part of the program.

For the succession

The objective is simple: “Help to promote and above all help the next generation of players to become elite and professional golfers”. The mission of the circuit has been the same since its foundation in 2019.

It will be up to the coaches of each formation to decide where the donations will be invested. This could include increasing training volume, getting better equipment, funding a training camp, or paying for travel and accommodation when needed.

“It’s not just that it’s better for the players, but also for the group of coaches. »

If they wish, donors will also be able to help players individually, without necessarily sending their donations to the team pool.

Thus, student-athletes will also have to promote themselves, precisely, to attract the favor of their admirers. At least that’s what the model is based on, believes Massimo Roch: “It’s not an idea that would have worked so well 20 years ago. With social networks, everyone is connected. Everyone is on Instagram, everyone is on Facebook. So each player, through his own community, his own network and even through his golf club, will be able to invite people to help him. »

The founders even have Ontario and American universities in their sights, since the circuit went beyond Quebec borders last season.

On the right track

Roch refuses to play the ostrich: “The best players like Laurent Desmarchais or William Duquette will continue to go there [universités américaines]. That’s normal and that’s not what needs to be changed necessarily. »

Quebec and Canadian golf is on a good path, especially on the women’s side, and that’s what the circuit wants to bet on.

Just because something is going in the right direction doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep pushing.

Massimo Roch, president and co-founder of the East Coast Pro tour

Even though the population is aging and golf is still perceived by many as an old-fashioned sport, Roch assures, bluntly, that “the next generation is there”.

Now, “we just have to make sure that it prospers in the world of golf and that there are more serious competitors and the only way to last is to have the funds to pay”, explains the Montrealer .

Every player is at the mercy of their own development, especially in golf. Some break through early, others later. Thus, playing on the Quebec or Canadian university circuit is not a consolation prize. On the contrary, it is an opportunity for some to develop their skills in a healthy and competitive environment.

“Golf is a strange sport because it takes perseverance. Sometimes you feel like you’re the worst player in the world, sometimes you’re the best. I know exactly what this is feeling. Everyone peaks at different times. »

Professional tours are the ultimate dream for many golfers. To access it, however, they must play. And for most local talent, it must necessarily go through Quebec universities. From there the importance, for the ECPT, to put its grain of salt.

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