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As in France, the drought has taken on exceptional forms in the lakes and rivers of the United States. The topography of several states crossed by the Colorado River has completely changed.
Yellow land as far as the eye can see. in arizona (United States)the drought is gradually swallowing whole plots of farms. That day, under 48°C, Nancy caywood watch his land die. “Everything dried up (…). Less than half of our fields are in production. There’s nothing we can do but watch the drought roll on“, explains this farmer in Casa Grande, Arizona.
His grandson, with his tractor, only pulls the weeds. The life of this farming family for generations has been threatened each year by the state’s allocation of water. “Lately we’ve only had a third of the volume we need“, laments the farmer. The water is coming less and less, because the Colorado is running out. Due to the climate crisis, there is less and less snow in the Rocky Mountains and therefore a lower volume of water in the great river. 40 million people in seven US states and Mexico depend on it. The heart of the problem is in Lake Mead, the largest water reservoir in the country, whose level continues to drop.