The DocumenTerre festival on November 19, 20 and 21, 2021 at the Vox cinema in Montignac Lascaux

Every year in November, the Cinétoile association offers an event that takes place for three days, within the national framework of “Documentary Month”. It is Docu Menterre, a festival of films that arouse curiosity in Vox cinema in Montignac-Lascaux.

? Listen to the interview with Marie-Hélène Saller, president of Cinétoile

We are looking for visually magnificent films to amaze people about the natural resources of the planet and at the same time we are looking for films by often committed authors – Marie Hélène Saller, President of Cinétoiles

A theme is chosen each year, this year indigenous peoples. The theme is the common thread of the films. But there are also activities and debates offered. Meetings are also organized with the directors.

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The godmother of this edition is Hindu Oumarou Ibrahim, geographer and activist for twenty years for ecology, the rights of women and indigenous peoples and who has returned from COP26.

Addressing everyone, the festival is also militant. Besides, Marie Hélène Saller, President of Cinétoile confirms it: now people go to the cinema for an enhanced experience. Films that have an impact on society, make you think or amaze you have become trends. The activities which participate in prolonging a session are essential.

To discover the complete and detailed program, you can connect to the festival website

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