the disturbing confidences of Denis Brogniart on the death of Jean-Pierre Pernaut

On March 2, Jean-Pierre Pernaut lost his life after complications. While he was going to the hospital for a medical visit related to his lung cancer, the famous presenter of the JT will not have survived the complications of an emergency hospitalization.

This disappearance left many people in mourning. This is the case of Denis Brogniart who liked him very much. Indeed, cancer is a subject that affects him a lot given that he has already had to deal with the disappearance of Bertrand Kamal, ex-candidate of Koh Lanta, but also the loss of a family member.

I lost my father from that when I was very young, I lost people, children around me… Jean-Pierre is one of my Pygmalions, he is one of the people who advised me a lot in this profession, he is undoubtedly the presenter for whom I have the most admiration, because he works without a teleprompter, because he created his own newspaper, because he was going to decide when he was going go. It’s a lot of things that few people have done before him”entrusted Denis Brogniart to the microphone ofFeminine.

Before sharing his regrets : “Unfortunately, he had not put all the chances on his side. But he knew it, that’s what is terrible. That’s why I say to young people today, before it’s impossible to quit smoking, avoid starting. But it’s a sign of independence, of integration into a group. My daughters don’t smoke, I may have sensitized them better than my son. And then it is nonsense to say that if you stop, after 5 years everything disappears. The body remembers”.

This is in particular why Denis Brogniart is still so much for the fight against cancer. For his part, Jean-Pierre Pernaut also blamed himself for not having quit smoking. “I thought it could only happen to others. For years and years I was told to quit smoking. I didn’t believe it, well I should have quit” tweeted the journalist last November.


See also: We found the look-alike of Denis Brogniart

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