The dissolution and campaign of the French legislative elections seen by the Ukrainian media

Franceinfo travels the world to see how other countries judge the political upheaval that France is experiencing after the dissolution. In Ukraine, it is being talked about, but without it making headlines.



Reading time: 2 min

Emmanuel Macron's announcement of the dissolution surprised everyone around the world. (CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT / AFP)

In the Ukrainian media, articles report the campaign events of Emmanuel Macron, Jordan Bardella… On the other hand, nothing is said about the New Popular Front. In a written comment sent to AFP on Wednesday June 26, President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was convinced that, whatever government emerged from the legislative elections, it would maintain its support for Ukraine and remain attached to European values.

Even if defense remains a prerogative of the president in France, Ukrainians are wondering about the consequences of a possible change of government regarding the budgets voted to help them and about the rise of the extreme right in France.

The announcement of the dissolution directs the political analyst, Vitaly Portnikov. He then goes on to explain the history of the French republican arc. “They have always all come together: the right, the left, the moderate right, the far left… to prevent the National Front, and now the National Rally, from coming to power. Emmanuel Macron is counting on this same effect to slow down Marine Le Pen’s march to power.” explains the analyst.

Marine Le Pen is known in Ukraine and is not popular for her pro-Russian positions and for having validated the occupation of Crimea. Ukrainians, on the other hand, are discovering Jordan Bardella. Alim Alyev, deputy director of the Ukrainian Cultural Institute, has noted changes in the RN program: “Bardella said that in any case, for him, Ukraine’s support is important. He then began to talk about the red lines that he believes cannot be crossed, such as long-range missiles.”.

“But we have already heard such statements from many politicians who did not want to provide us with other weapons at that time. Often, during elections, the level of populism increases significantly.” observes Alim Alyev, who is counting mainly on the European Union to maintain aid to Ukraine. If elected, he invites Jordan Bardella to the front line to measure the horrors of war.

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