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In China, Shanghai, 26 million inhabitants, is confined due to a rebound in the Covid-19 epidemic. On the spot, many French people are exhausted.
Tuesday, April 19, Shanghai (China) has been desperately empty for almost a month. 26 million inhabitants are prohibited from setting foot outside. Among them, 7,000 French people who are losing patience. “I tell myself that potentially, it could last like that until June, July. We see no end. It’s hard“, confides Laurianne Vallée-Dubroeucq, lawyer.
The only authorized outings are almost daily tests and sometimes food deliveries. Confinement weighs on morale. For a final year student, interviewed by France Télévisions, the stress of the baccalaureate is added. He revises and follows the online courses in his room, without knowing if the tests will take place. Some French people have even decided to pack their bags. Beyond Shanghai, more than 40 Chinese cities are in total or partial containment.