The director Jean-Jacques Annaud announced in Pauillac this summer at the harvest festival of the 7th art.

A third name completes the guest list for the next international film festival, the harvest of the 7th art in Pauillac from July 12 to 17, 2022: Jean-Jacques Annaud. The director, producer and screenwriter will be present for the free outdoor screening of his latest film “Notre-Dame brule” on the quays of Pauillac. He will also meet the public on the occasion of a Master Class followed by a signing of his book “Notre-Dame burns – the logbook of the film” (Grund editions).

“Notre-Dame is burning”, the reconstruction of the events of April 15, 2019.

Jean-Jacques Annaud’s feature film, on screens since March 16, 2022, reconstructs hour by hour the incredible reality of the events of April 15, 2019 when the cathedral suffered the most significant disaster in its history. And how men and women will put their lives at risk in an incredible and heroic rescue.

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The harvest of the 7th art in Pauillac a France Bleu Gironde event

This summer, France Bleu Gironde will make you live behind the scenes of the international film festival from July 12 to 17, 2022. Marie Vernay will receive the guest actors, actresses, directors, directors, every day after the 6 p.m. news. She will also meet the public, who attend the free open-air screenings on the quays of Pauillac.

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