the dilemma of French athletes involved in the Russian championships

French athletes are involved in the championships in Russia or plan to do so, despite the war in Ukraine. Some federations prohibit it, others do not. The Ministry of Sports wishes to clarify this situation.

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Can we go and play in the Russian championship, while the country is at war against Ukraine, when we are a player of the France team? This ethical question, some do not ask: this summer, the hockey player Yohann Auvitu, member of the France team, entered the Russian championship, putting his federation in the embarrassment.

The president of the French hockey federation Pierre-Yves Gerbeau does not hide it: seeing one of his star players play in Russia is a defensible sporting choice, but very questionable from a moral point of view. “As a federation, we evacuated 110 people, families of hockey players who we integrated into our championships, welcomed into our clubs”, he reminds.

“This poses real concerns of coherence, ethics and positioning in relation to the humanitarian drama.”

Pierre-Yves Gerbeau

at franceinfo

To each their own line of conduct. The basketball players of the France team have signed a charter which provides that they will no longer be selectable if they commit to Russia or Belarus.

Nothing comparable to the French volleyball federation: President Eric Tanguy refuses to do so for the moment. “We have decided not to put a clause to prohibit our players from going to Russia. We are in a professional settinghe explains. On the other hand, if the players want to go to Russia, I will call them and discuss with them, and we will make a decision.”

The Ministry of Sports intends to put an end to this cacophony. The entourage of Minister Amélie Oudéa Castera tells franceinfo that a firm speech has been made to the federations, and that those which will temporarily suspend a player or a player engaged.e in Russia will benefit from support.

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