“The dialogue has never been broken with the unions”, defends La France insoumise, criticized for its strategy in the Assembly

The unions deplore the obstruction which prevented the examination of article 7 on the postponement of the legal age to 64 years. The secretary general of the CGT also thinks that the Insoumis appropriates the social movement. The LFI deputies deny it.

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The number one of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, again lambasted on Monday February 20 the “unworthy and shameful spectacle” given to the National Assembly on pension reform. Philippe Martinez is also very critical of the strategy of the Insoumis and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. For the leader of the CGT, the latter “does not promote clarity of debates and positions”. Philippe Martinez regretted the maintenance of the thousands of amendments of France Insoumise which prevented the Parliament from voting many articles, including article 7 concerning the passage of the legal age of retirement from 62 to 64 years.

“I respect Philippe Martinez’s point of view, but I don’t share it”, replied the coordinator of LFI, Manuel Bompard. On France 2, Monday, the deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône called for “avoid divisions” and ensures that the strategy of LFI deputies has “helped the social movement”.

“Our responsibility was to ensure that they could not vote in ten days to postpone the legal retirement age to 64, explains Manuel Bompard. This is what we have done: not to grant the government a victory which then allows us to tell the French people that it is no longer useless to go and demonstrate since the National Assembly has adopted the postponement.

Manuel Bompard also promises that “Rebellious France will always be in support of trade union action”. Aurélie Trouvé, also an insubordinate deputy, believes that the “Dialogue has never been broken with the unions.” “We may have different tactical assessments, that does not prevent us from continuing the dialogue.”

“We are in the process of building and preparing a meeting with the unions who wish it and the Nupes to think about how we are going to carry out the mobilizations to come.”

Aurélie Trouvé, LFI MP

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For the moment no date has been set. In the meantime, La France Insoumise is relaying the call for a general strike from March 7, some elected officials would like a “blocking of the economy” over several days to bend the government.

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