the deprogramming of one of its cult shows causes an outcry on the web

Faced with the tragic development of the health crisis and the increase in the number of cases in France, the government very regularly takes the floor to announce new measures to fight against the spread of the virus. Most of the time, these speeches generate last-minute deprograms which annoy viewers.

On December 6, it was the program “Don’t forget the lyrics” presented by Nagui which could not be broadcast on France 2 so that the French could listen attentively to the new measures. What annoy the unconditional fans of the program. “But we don’t care about Jean Castex, we want NOPL us!”, “So we don’t have NOPLP because two neuneus will say the same thing 15 times for nothing”, “CASTEX CLEAR WE WE WANT TO SEE NOPLP” could we read on Twitter.

This Monday, December 27, same scenario. It is this time two unpublished numbers of the musical program which could not be diffused on France 2 because the Prime Minister Jean Castex delivered a new speech. The day after these announcements, viewers expected to finally be able to see the non-broadcast episodes, but the channel preferred to broadcast today’s episode …

Furious, viewers did not fail to express their anger on social networks: “Very well Manon goes from 129,000 to 140,000 € without the programs being broadcast or on the replay. Thoughts of the 2 challengers who will not have benefited from their NOPLP broadcast”, “So yesterday’s episodes are not in replay “, “On the other hand, we did not see the shows from last night”, “It is really disrespectful not to pass the filmed programs, for the candidates at least…”.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

source site-8