the deployment of the multinational force awaited with hope by the Haitians

Haiti is still awaiting the arrival of a first contingent of the multinational force led by Kenya. His mission: secure the country and break up the gangs.


Reading time: 2 min

A refugee camp in Bas Delmas.  Due to the continued actions of armed gangs, many residents have been forced to flee with their families to Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  May 2, 2024. (GUERINAULT LOUIS / ANADOLU)

Kenyan President William Ruto expressed confidence on Friday, May 31, about the upcoming deployment of Kenyan police officers as part of a UN-supported mission in Haiti. This small Caribbean country of 11 million inhabitants is plagued by violence and gang law. The Port-au-Prince airport, closed for three months, has timidly resumed service. A new prime minister has just been appointed to try to restore order as coordinated attacks on police, institutions and civilians continue.

One of the latest attacks took place on Sunday June 2 in the morning, in downtown Port-au-Prince. The raid lasted more than two hours, led by the Bel Air gang. Gédéon is an inhabitant of this neighborhood transformed into a battlefield. “We are tired. There are wounded. Lots of shooting. The bandits looted things that belonged to the population, stole everything,” he testifies. While he speaks to franceinfo, shots ring out. Who is shooting? “I don’t know, the police or bandits, I don’t know. It’s Haiti”replies Gédéon, resigned.

These coordinated attacks began at the end of February, which caused the exodus of thousands of residents who found refuge in gymnasiums or in schools, such as the Caroline-Cheveau school which shelters, in conditions catastrophic, 420 families. Among them, that of Stanley: “On February 29, we were attacked by armed bandits with heavy fire. It was all-out war, until we arrived here at the school. But we have no access to food , it’s the most total unsanitary condition.”says Stanley.

The Haitians are at the end of their strength, but with the prospect of the deployment of the multinational mission under the aegis of the United Nations, fear could change sides. It could allow the Haitian police to regain control of the country. In any case, that’s what this police officer, who insisted on anonymity, thinks.

“The force will be useful to us. The Haitian national police force is weakened. If we have a force that can help us, yes I am waiting for it as a police officer because we want the Haitian population to stop suffering.”

A Haitian police officer

at franceinfo

If the deployment of this multinational force is a glimmer of hope for a large part of the population and the Haitian police, it nevertheless worries the gangs and their leader Jimmy Cherizier, alias Barbecue, at the head of a coalition called “Live together” and composed of the main armed groups in the country. A leader who calls for dialogue. “The days are going to be sad for the country. Of course there will be a bloodbath. I tell the international community to give Haiti a chance. We can resolve this problem through dialogue.”

Expected last week, the first contingent of this multinational force is still awaited. The military base supposed to host it is currently under construction.

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