The text does not use the terms “level groups”, but groups “constituted according to the needs of the students”.
Reading time: 1 min

Enough to clarify the mechanism of a controversial measure. The order on the establishment of “groups” in mathematics and French at college was published on Sunday March 17 in the Official Journal. The wording does not include the terms of “level groups”but of groups “constituted according to the needs of the students”.
The decree recalls that these provisions “come into force from the start of the 2024 school year for sixth and fifth grade classes and from the start of the 2025 school year for fourth and third grade classes”. “The groups are formed according to the needs of the students identified by the teachers. The groups of students with the most difficulties benefit from reduced numbers”according to the text. “Common lessons in French and mathematics, throughout the timetable, are organized in groups for all classes and levels of the college”it is written.
A composition “reexamined during the year”
“By way of derogation, and in order to guarantee the consistency of the educational progressions of the different groups, students may be, for one or more periods, one to ten weeks in the year, grouped in accordance with their reference class for these lessons”, it is further clarified. Finally, the composition of the groups will be “re-examined during the school year, particularly during regroupings, in order to take into account the progress and needs of the students”.
In December, Gabriel Attal, then Minister of Education, announced the creation of these groups, described as “level groups”as part of the “clash of knowledge”, a set of measures aimed at raising the level of students. This measure sparked protests from teaching unions, who point out a risk of “sorting” students.