Deprived of an absolute majority in the Assembly, the government could resolve to adopt the text without a vote like last year, with this article of the Constitution.
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The Council of Ministers authorized the government on Wednesday September 27 to activate article 49.3 of the Constitution to adopt the public finance programming law (LPFP) 2023-2027, according to franceinfo information from government sources. The examination of this text in the hemicycle of the National Assembly begins at 9:30 p.m.
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The LPFP must serve as a roadmap for the French budgetary trajectory for the next four years. Rejected by the Assembly in 2022, it notably plans to reduce the public deficit from 4.8% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022 to 2.7% in 2027, below the European objective of 3%, in a context where the debt burden explodes.
With this decision taken by the Council of Ministers, it is a further step towards adoption without a vote of the LPFP. The executive is absolutely committed to the text, on the grounds that its rejection would threaten the payment by Brussels to France of 17.8 billion euros over the period 2023-2024. A classic adoption, with a vote by deputies, is uncertain, to the extent that the presidential camp does not have a majority in the National Assembly.