The costume worn by John Travolta in “Saturday Night Fever” at auction in Beverly Hills

This suit is one of 1,400 items offered at the “Hollywood: Classic and Contemporary” auction, held in Beverly Hills, California on April 22-23. It brings together pieces from famous films of the last 100 years.

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France Televisions

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John Travolta in the movie "Saturday night fever" in 1977 (ARCHIVES OF THE 7TH ART)

Who has never dreamed of being a frenzied disco star, like John Travolta in Saturday night fever? For anyone who would like to realize this fantasy, the costume worn by the actor in the film is going to be auctioned off. Unforgettable, these three pieces of polyester will go to the highest bidder at an event organized in California on April 22 and 23.

Back when Staying Alive was hitting the decks

Enough to allow the future buyer to ignite the dance floor – provided they do not get too close to a real flame. With its pie server collar shirt, in which Travolta capsized many hearts, this suit is the centerpiece of the collection Hollywood: Classic and Contemporaryput under the hammer by Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills.

“When we talk about disco, we think of Saturday Night Fever, we think of the Bee Gees, we think of John Travolta”, observes Martin Nolan, general manager of this auction house. The costume, with its high waist, its eph-legged trousers, allows you to go back in time, to the time when staying alive hit all the decks. The story does not say if it immediately gives the same sex appeal as its illustrious wearer, but it should still fetch around 200,000 dollars. Like the voice of Bee Gees singer Barry Gibb, the final price could go even higher, according to Mr Nolan.

Other objects including Charlie Chaplin’s cane

Other objects should inevitably arouse interest, such as Charlie Chaplin’s cane, the hoverboard of Back to the Future III and the original headdress worn by Theda Bara in the film Cleopatra from 1917. Harry Potter fans can also bid on various accessories and wands from the saga. Costumes from the J franchisesoh Wick, Batman, Iron Man Or Star Wars are also for sale.

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