The convoy approaches, Quebec stands guard

At the approach of a procession of opponents of health measures from the North Shore, the Quebec police assure that they will not let the demonstrators give the capital the air of a city under siege.

“We will respect the right to demonstrate in a legal and peaceful manner,” the Quebec City police department (SPVQ) said Wednesday afternoon. “However, no act of vandalism or violence will be tolerated. »

A column of trucks led by unionist Bernard Gauthier is due to enter Quebec City late Thursday to support protesters who have paralyzed downtown Ottawa since last weekend. From two different parliamentary hills, they will call together for the end of sanitary measures.

In Quebec, the convoy will be able to chant “freedom”, but in a controlled manner. As of Wednesday evening, the authorities will block access to Avenue Honoré-Mercier opposite the gardens of Parliament to prevent trucks from bivouacking in front of the seat of power.

“We want to make sure we have areas where it will be tolerable and tolerated to park these trucks,” said André Turcotte, deputy director of territorial surveillance for the SPVQ.

The authorities stressed “the very good collaboration” of the organizers downstream of the rally. “We rely on the good judgment of these people,” said Mr. Turcotte. According to him, there is “no indication” that the demonstration will extend beyond Saturday.

Processions from Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Gaspésie and Beauce must however converge on Saturday in the national capital. The Lévis police and the Sûreté du Québec, responsible for the security of the bridges and the Parliament, remain on high alert. The SPVQ says it maintains a constant link with the Ottawa police.

The mayor of Quebec, Bruno Marchand, reiterated the right to express his disagreement with the sanitary measures, Wednesday morning, at the microphone of Patrick Masbourian. “Now, if we do it by saying to ourselves: ‘we will sicken the world’ […] we are no longer in a noble cause. »

“The rules must be respected,” said Prime Minister François Legault as he entered the blue room. “I trust the police officers of Quebec, the mayor of Quebec. »

In the middle of Carnival

Concern mounts in the upper town as the convoy approaches. Sécurité Sirois, a major security agency in Quebec, has noted a sharp increase in requests to obtain a bodyguard or to ensure the security of private establishments in recent days.

The arrival of the convoy coincides with the beginning of the Carnival of Quebec and several elected officials decried the arrival of the demonstrators in full during this family celebration.

“The moment is really badly chosen,” lamented Mayor Marchand. “Festivals have had so much trouble over the past two years,” added Tourism Minister Caroline Proulx. “Give them a chance. »

The minister responsible for the Capitale-Nationale, Geneviève Guilbault, rang the same bell. “The Carnival in Quebec is important,” she said. “It would be paradoxical to annoy or prevent people from participating in the Carnival with a demonstration that would be overflowing or that would be disrespectful. »

“Friendly” gathering

On social networks, the organizers of the various convoys repeat that they do not want to disturb public order – only to send a message to the government.

“We are in the process of getting organized so as not to fucker your carnival at the same time, ”said Kevin Grenier in a video released on Tuesday. “We want to show our dissatisfaction, we want it to be friendly. Restaurant owners: open your doors wide. We are there to encourage you: there is no one who is there to plunder you and who is there to break everything. »

On Wednesday, one of the leaders of the Ottawa convoy, Pat King, gave his blessing to the initiative set in motion in Quebec.

“Give them the scare! he exclaimed, congratulating the Quebec demonstrators for having put an end to the vax tax – the health contribution abandoned the day before by the Legault government.

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