the Constitutional Council censors nearly 40% of the text


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Immigration law: the Constitutional Council censors nearly 40% of the text

The Constitutional Council largely censored the immigration bill on Thursday January 25. In fact, almost 40% of the text was rewritten. Most of the censored measures were deemed irrelevant, and had been imposed by the right during the parliamentary debate. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – J.Nény, T.Curtet, A.Richier, B.Vignais, N.Tahar, C.Marchand, A.Fajon, M.Varona, B.Bervas

France Televisions

The Constitutional Council largely censored the immigration bill on Thursday January 25. In fact, almost 40% of the text was rewritten. Most of the censored measures were deemed irrelevant, and had been imposed by the right during the parliamentary debate.

The adoption of the immigration bill in December 2023 plunged the government into a serious political crisis. A month later, the Constitutional Council examined the text, and its decision was formal: almost 40% of text has been censored. For the most part, these are articles deemed off-topic. Article 3, which tightened the conditions for family reunification, article 11, which set a deposit for foreign students, or even article 19, which tightened access to certain social assistance, were all censored. These areessentially, measures which had been imposed by the right during the parliamentary debate.

A majority of government measures retained

Among the measures that remain in the text, we find in particular article 4 bis, which ease residence permits for foreigners who work in professions in shortage, article 19 bis, which facilitates the application of OQTF, and article 46, which conditions an authorization to stay in France on a commitment to respect the values ​​of the Republic. The majority of the measures taken from the start by the government are therefore retained. Emmanuel Macron asked Gérald on Thursday January 25 DarmaninMinister of the Interior, that this immigration law be applied as soon as possible.

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