The confidences of a press carrier, from the newspaper Le Bien Public

The press carriers are the messengers in the shadows, most often invisible to citizens. Essential links in the distribution and sustainability of the press, these independent workers work daily so that the subscribed reader can read his newspaper while drinking his morning coffee. Among the 20,000 subscribers in the Côte d’Or to the paper version, 17,000 customers are delivered to their homes by carrier and 3,000 by La Poste. 150 press carriers work in the department, around twenty in the Dijon conurbation.

Geneviève leaves on tour at 2 a.m.

Geneviève’s typical day has been as follows for the past 10 years: Waking up at 1:30 a.m., she is operational and ready to load the newspapers into her personal vehicle at 2 a.m. At 8 a.m. sharp, all customers subscribing to the newspaper must be delivered.


The profession of press carrier as an additional activity and income

Many retirees and working people in search of additional activity and income, represent most of the workforce of press carriers. We must pay tribute to these workers, who accumulate a lot of constraints: night shifts, staggered working hours, hardship. This job also requires a certain number of skills: personal organization, memory, diligence. David, logistics and portage manager for the Public Good, is constantly looking for candidates. Here is the recruitment contact for those interested: 03-80-42-42-53.


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