The commissioning of the REM postponed again

Scheduled by the end of spring, the commissioning of the Metropolitan Express Network (REM) between Brossard and Montreal’s Central Station has been postponed for a few days, even a few weeks, has learned The Press. The crucial “blank run” stage has not even begun. The total cost of the project will be revealed after the first starts: it will exceed the 7 billion dollars announced so far, while a 30% increase cannot be ruled out.

According to our information, the tests to ensure the reliability of the system are taking longer than expected, but do not suggest that a major problem has arisen. Integrating all system components is a complex process.

Not yet launched, the “blank run” is however imminent: this means that the automated train will be operated as if it were in service, but without users on board. CDPQ Infra has already stated publicly that its objective is to obtain an overall reliability rate above 95% for at least 10 consecutive days.

Ce n’est qu’après cette marche à blanc, considérée comme une répétition générale, que la date de mise en service du REM sera confirmée. Il est acquis que ce sera finalement au début de l’été, quelques jours ou quelques semaines après la fin du printemps, selon nos informations.

Le porte-parole de CDPQ Infra, Jean-Vincent Lacroix, n’a voulu ni confirmer ni infirmer ces informations. Il a refusé de s’avancer sur une date précise. Il s’est limité à une déclaration écrite : « Nous y sommes presque. Comme vous pouvez voir, les voitures du REM sont partout sur le réseau et nous sommes dans la phase très intensive des derniers tests, mais, ce qui importe d’abord et avant toute chose, c’est que l’expérience des usagers soit optimale à partir du premier passage. Lorsque nous aurons cette certitude, il nous fera plaisir de communiquer une date précise, mais ça approche à grands pas. ».

CDPQ Infra est soumise à une obligation légale de prévenir au moins 30 jours à l’avance différents partenaires du moment où le train sera en service – dont les sociétés de transport qui doivent rabattre les usagers de leurs autobus vers les stations du REM. À l’approche du 21 mai, la pression était grande pour confirmer le premier départ du train. Ce préavis se fera plus tard compte tenu du report de l’échéancier de quelques jours ou quelques semaines. Cela aura lieu durant ou après l’étape de la marche à blanc, lorsque CDPQ Infra aura la garantie que son système est fiable.

Le 16 avril, le PDG de la Caisse de dépôt et placement, Charles Emond, a déclaré sur le plateau de Tout le monde en parle que « jusqu’à présent, rien [n’]indicates that the spring 2023 timeline – the spring runs until June 20 – is not going to hold. For the moment, everything is in line with the schedule we have given. “We are quite confident, but there are still tests to be done”, he added, specifying that the commissioning would take place “on a Friday”.

“favorable” season

The Minister of Transport, Geneviève Guilbault, declined an interview request to comment on this new report. His firm returned the ball to CDPQ Infra while saying it was “very eager for the commissioning of the REM”.

For his part, Michel Archambault, professor emeritus in the department of urban and tourism studies at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), insisted on the importance of not missing your shot.

“Strategically, they [CDPQ Infra] better be sure the REM is working when it’s turned on we. Otherwise, the notoriety and reputation of the project will take a hit. »

We will forgive them the delays, but we would not forgive them a failure with glitches after the commissioning. They still have the benefit of the doubt to make us accept delays because we have to complete validation tests.

Michel Archambault, professor emeritus in the department of urban and tourism studies at UQAM

Mr. Archambault points out that summer is the ideal season to put the REM into service.

“It’s interesting in the summer because the season is favorable. The climatic conditions are at their zenith and there is less traffic with the holidays. What is important to me is that the REM works well at the start of the school year in September because we will have schools, economic activity and everything else. »

Rising costs

The REM’s total bill will be revealed when the first section is put into service. It will be higher than the 7 billion announced so far.

According to our information, we cannot exclude an increase of 30%, around 2 billion dollars. This 30% threshold would be the average increase for similar projects. According to our information, CDPQ Infra would seek to ensure that the increase in the cost of its project does not cross this threshold. She declined to comment on this information. When the project was launched in 2016, the cost was estimated at 5.5 billion.

The increase in the bill will be borne by the Caisse, which expects a profit of 8% on its investment. There would be no impact on the fee of approximately 75.3 cents per passenger-kilometre for 2023 that the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM), financed by Quebec and the municipalities of Greater Montreal, must pay to CDPQ Infra.

The first section of the REM extends over 16.6 km between Brossard and Central Station and includes five stations. In total, the REM will be 67 km long and will include 26 stations. The commissioning of the segments towards Deux-Montagnes and the west of the island of Montreal is still scheduled for the end of 2024. As for the section towards the airport, the horizon is 2027.

what they said

Another postponement! The commissioning of the REM is still postponed. It is high time for the Minister of Transport to assume her responsibilities to ensure that the deadline is respected.

André A. Morin, liberal transportation critic

I understand that the Caisse de depot doesn’t want to miss out, but it’s disappointing for people who have been waiting for this project for a long time. […] I also look forward to seeing the full analysis of the total cost of the project.

Etienne Grandmont, united transport critic

The CDPQ’s promise was to respect the deadlines and the cost of the REM project. These two alleged advantages of the CDPQ formula, these commitments will not have been respected, even if the CDPQ had been offered powers and a favorable context.

Joël Arseneau, PQ transportation critic

We are confident that CDPQ infra is working tirelessly to deliver a reliable, quality product. The metropolitan population has high expectations for this project.

Sophie Mauzerolle, transport manager at the City of Montreal

We take note of the announcement of the postponement of the commissioning of the REM. The Longueuil transport network (RTL) will adapt accordingly.

Catherine Fournier, Mayor of Longueuil

With Henri Ouellette-Vézina and Julien Arsenault, The Press

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  • 21 days
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