The comedian makes an incredible revelation about his military service!

Usually, when he acts stupid, it is in all conscience and for the sole purpose of making us laugh, a mission most often accomplished. But during an interview granted to the indestructible Michel Drucker in Can’t wait for Sunday this Sunday, September 25 on France 3, Dany Boon made an incredible revelation to his host. Come to present the film The beautiful race by Christian Carion, in which the actor has his old accomplice Line Renaud as a partner, the comedian confessed that at least once in his life, he was really simple-minded, in front of an audience much more scrupulous than that dark rooms. Dany, then unknown, was in his twenties and found himself face to face with military doctors, specialists to whom, as the popular expression goes, “we don’t do it”.

He very nearly was institutionalized!

Faced with these formidable criticisms, the future director of Welcome to the Ch’tis appeared haggard, features frozen, silent. Was he really suffering from a psychiatric illness? Not at all ! However, when his interlocutors began to make him pass the aptitude tests for military service, they had the certainty of dealing with a perfect moron. “I did not finish my sentences, I was incoherent, remembered the artist. I did the ‘boubours’ as they say in the North. I wanted P4, I got P5, it’s a better grade. And P6, it was automatically interned “.

Because when the service was still compulsory, the review boards often resembled a court of miracles. Young and healthy men became lame or totally bewildered when crossing the entrance gate of the barracks and suddenly recovered all their faculties when they left it. Somehow, military practitioners were achieving an unmatched healing rate. But those who overdid it found themselves in the psychiatric ward of a military hospital, and did not always emerge unscathed from their stay. In short, with her performance that was almost too successful, Dany almost shot herself in the foot!

See also: “It was complicated”: Dany Boon reveals that Noé, the son he had with Judith Godrèche, was assaulted after the success of “Ch’tis”

Etienne-Hadrien Feyrandrier

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