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Pierre Palmade is going to jail. The Paris Court of Appeal ordered his placement in pre-trial detention after his indictment for homicide and involuntary injuries, following the traffic accident in which he is involved.
Pierre Palmade’s lawyer will not have succeeded in avoiding prison. Monday, February 27, during a hearing behind closed doors, justice rendered its decision. “The investigating chamber ordered the placement in pre-trial detention, and issued a warrant of committal. […] decision [est] immediately enforceable”, she said. It is now up to the public prosecutor’s office in Melun (Seine-et-Marne) to organize the imprisonment of Pierre Palmade.
The comedian who suffered a stroke
The comedian has been at the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital (Val de Marne) since Sunday. During the weekend, he suffered a stroke, without his vital prognosis being engaged. For the moment, the prosecutor has not indicated when and where will he be transferred. Ten days earlier, Pierre Palmade had narrowly escaped prison. Justice had placed him under house arrest in an addiction service with an electronic bracelet.