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If opting for a coalition would be unprecedented in France, our European neighbors have already adopted this model. The journalist François Beaudonnet provides details on the subject on the set of 19/20, Wednesday June 22.
Building a coalition to be able to govern would be unprecedented in France. However, this is a common practice in 19 countries of the European Union. The Germans, for example, have been practicing the art of political compromise for many years. “In Germany, after the elections, the political parties take the time to form a coalition. Currently, it is a so-called ‘traffic light’ coalition, in reference to the colors of the three parties that make it up”Explain the journalist François Beaudonnet, present on the set of 19/20, Wednesday June 22.
This coalition must then “sign a government contract”continues the journalist, who adds: “It’s a 175-page document. The parties commit in writing to everything they’re going to do, very specifically, for four years.” Moreover, in Italy, “the President of the Council is, at the moment, at the head of a government of national unity, with almost all the Italian parties, including the extreme right”asserts Francois Beaudonnet.