The city of Le Mans seizes the administrative court for the occupation of the Barbara neighborhood house

The city of Le Mans and the collective Sarthe right to housing (DAL 72) will they go to court about the occupation of the Barbara room? A summary hearing is in any case scheduled on the subject Friday morning at 9:30 a.m. before the administrative court of Nantes. The city denounces “illegal occupation” of this Sablons neighborhood center by the DAL 72 and the A l’abri collective since the beginning of September.

The latter invested it to install and sleep about thirty people who were on the street, without an emergency accommodation solution, including about fifteen minors. “There are families waiting for social housing, asylum seekers who do not have a place in CADA (Reception center for asylum seekers) and a few people under an obligation to leave the territory, but who also have the right to be accommodated”indicates a member of the collective A l’abri.

Do not become an annex of 115

According to activists, about 40 emergency accommodation places are missing at Le Mans. So much so that they see other homeless people knocking on the door of the Barbara neighborhood house. “The social workers don’t have a solution, so sometimes they direct people to the room, but we are not an annex of the 115 (the number of the samu social) !”underlines the collectives, who recall that this mission of accommodation falls under the services of the State.

In letter addressed to the prefect of Sarthethis is also what the Mayor of Le Mans, Stéphane Le Follwho fears “that this place becomes a gathering point for all people without accommodation”. He also laments “this impasse whose consequences are exclusively suffered by the city”. While recalling that “the illegality of this situation of occupation” must stop.

This Monday, October 23, a new meeting took place between the DAL 72 and the city of Le Mans. Which is to hold a press conference on the subject on Tuesday.

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