The CIA wants to demystify espionage with a podcast

(Washington) The director of the CIA, William Burns, wants to demystify the work of spies: in the first podcast show ever produced by the American intelligence agency, he assures that his life has nothing to do with that of James Bond and reveals driving an old car very carefully.

Posted at 7:15 p.m.

Popular movies depict “a world of heroes driving fancy cars very fast, defusing bombs and solving global crises single-handedly on a daily basis,” he says.

“I can tell you that it is a source of constant amusement for my wife and my daughters,” he adds.

“I’m most comfortable driving my 2013 Subaru within the speed limits, and for me, the height of technological feat is when I finally get the remote to work [de la télévision] at home. »

William Burns, a 66-year-old former diplomat who has headed the CIA since 2021, made the remarks in the first episode of the podcast The Langley Fileswhich the very secretive American intelligence agency launched on Thursday.

The CIA director says that while the agency sends many agents on clandestine missions around the world, they don’t operate solo like James Bond, Jason Bourne or Jack Ryan do in the movies.

Collaborative work

“The fact is, intelligence is a team sport. It’s a profession where you carry out hard collective work and where you share the risks”, he explains, before noting that this does not only involve field agents, but also scientists, computer specialists and analysts who work in offices.

Among the CIA’s successes, he cites July’s elimination of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in Kabul and US revelations about Russia’s intentions ahead of its invasion of Ukraine in February.

Our successes are often hidden, our failures are often visible, and our sacrifices are often unrecognized. But it is our lot to observe a certain discretion.

William Burns, Director of the CIA

The podcast is hosted by a certain Dee and a certain Walter. Asked by AFP, a CIA spokesman refrained from specifying their names and even confirming whether they were their real first names.

Asked about the planned frequency of the podcast, the spokesperson replied that it would be “periodic”.

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