The children of the DPJ: “it’s everyone’s responsibility”

The godmother of the Youth Foundation of the DPJ, Nancy Audet, reacted for the first time to the father’s decision to plead guilty to kidnapping in the case of the girl from Granby.

• Read also: Girl from Granby: he had wrapped his own daughter in duct tape

• Read also: The father pleads guilty: the uncle of the girl from Granby angry

“It’s a lot of emotions. I think that for thousands of Quebecers it is a sigh of relief. Tears also when we think of this little girl and all that she went through, it pains us to the heart to achieve all that she could undergo ”, mentions the godmother.

She explains that this year, 48,000 children of the 122,000 reports in Quebec were taken by the DPJ and that everyone must do more to help young vulnerable children.

“We must become a village for our children again and it is urgent because there are many today who are suffering and something must be done because it is everyone’s responsibility”, says Mme Audet.

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